2008 Summer Interns

Saumya Ayyagari

"Many of us had expectations that were dashed.  What could get accomplished in days in the states was sometimes accomplished in weeks.  It was frustrating at times for us to realize that we are just little specks in the whole scheme of the universe.  We all had to discover that instant gratification isn't our right."

Casey Beckner

"Working in Uganda truly allowed my perspective on the world to grow in many ways.  Aside from falling in love with 75 amazing children, I learned the importance that family and community play in the lives of Ugandan children.  I met some amazing Ugandans that are making a world of difference in their villages and truly developing the nation of Uganda for the better.  I was constantly in awe of how much love was shown to me, an outside, with very little understanding of the realities faced by Ugandans everyday."

Ashley Gibson

Lea Scott

"My experience in Uganda was incomparable to anything I've ever done before. Every day was unique in its challenges and its joys. I found myself in a multitude of situations: building chicken coups, harvesting pineapples, meeting with chairmen and community leaders, teaching Shakespeare's Twelfth Night to high school students and leading many discussions on HIV/AIDS and safe sex practices. These experiences in conjunction with the extraordinary people I encountered and relationships I formed in Uganda have profoundly shaped my passions and my world-view."

Nicole Thompson

"Traveling to Uganda was an experience that I will never forget.  I met some amazing people who's situation I don't think I would ever be able to deal with yet they were always smiling and had endless love for me, god and their families.  This experience taught me that nothing should be taken for granted and I thank God every day for the love he has shown me from this trip.  My only regret was that I didn't get to spend more time and that I didnt take this trip sooner.  My heart hurts a little more with each day I am away from those children."